Mathematical Gems Ross Honsberger Pdf
This book deals with the number system, one of the basic structures in mathematics.
Author: Ross Honsberger
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 9781470457136
Category: Mathematics
Page: 187
View: 265
This book deals with the number system, one of the basic structures in mathematics. It is concerned especially with way of classifying numbers into various categories; for example, it provides some criteria for deciding if a given number is rational (i.e., representable as a common fraction) or irrational, if it is algebraic or transcendental. In the course of the later chapters, the reader is introduced to some of the more recent developments in mathematics. Professor Niven's book may be read with profit by interested high school students as well as by college students and others who want to know more about the basic aspect of pure mathematics. Most readers will find the early chapters well within their grasp while ambitious readers will profit by the more advanced material to be found in later chapters.
The problems presented here are meant to be enjoyed, rather than instruct, although instruction is almost always the automatic by-product. problems, but each of them contains something exciting - a surprising result, an intriguing approach, ...
Author: Ross Honsberger
Publisher: MAA Press
ISBN: 0883853132
Category: Combinatorial analysis
Page: 322
View: 383
Ross Honsberger is the author of six books published in the Dolciani Mathematical Expositions Series, each of which presents problems from algebra, arithmetic, number theory, probability, and geometry, and provides us with an ingenious solution to those problems. His most recent addition to the Dolciani series is: More Mathematical Morsels which is a continuation of the earlier Mathematical Morsels volume published in 1979. The problems presented here are meant to be enjoyed, rather than instruct, although instruction is almost always the automatic by-product. problems, but each of them contains something exciting - a surprising result, an intriguing approach, a stroke of ingenuity.
The DOLCIANI MATHEMATICAL EXPOSITIONS series of the Mathematical Association of America was established through a generous gift to the Association from Mary P. Dolciani , Professor of ... Mathematical Gems II , Ross Honsberger 3.
Author: Ross Honsberger
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 9781470457143
Category: Mathematics
Page: 191
View: 799
Ross Honsberger was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1929 and attended the University of Toronto. After more than a decade of teaching mathematics in Toronto, he took advantage of a sabbatical leave to continue his studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He joined the faculty in 1964 (Department of Combinatorics and Optimization) and has been there ever since. He is married, the father of three, and grandfather of three. He has published seven bestselling books with the Mathematical Association of America. Here is a selection of reviews of Ross Honsberger's books: The reviewer found this little book a joy to read ... the text is laced with historical notes and lively anecdotes and the proofs are models of lucid, uncluttered reasoning. (about Mathematical Gems I) P. Hagis, Jr., in Mathematical Reviews This book is designed to appeal to high school teachers and undergraduates particularly, but should find a much wider audience. The clarity of exposition and the care taken with all aspects of explanations, diagrams and notation is of a very high standard. (about Mathematical Gems II) K. E. Hirst, in Mathematical Reviews All (i.e., the articles in Mathematical Gems III) are written in the very clear style that characterizes the two previous volumes, and there is bound to be something here that will appeal to anyone, both student and teacher alike. For instructors, Mathematical Gems III is useful as a source of thematic ideas around which to build classroom lectures ... Mathematical Gems III is to be warmly recommended, and we look forward to the appearance of a fourth volume in the series. Joseph B. Dence, Mathematics and Computer Education These delightful little books contain between them 27 short essays on topics from geometry, combinatorics, graph theory, and number theory. The essays are independent, and can be read in any order ... overall these are serious books presenting pretty mathematics with elegant proofs. These books deserve a place in the library of every teacher of mathematics as a valuable resource. Further, as much of the material would not be beyond upper secondary students, inclusion in school libraries may be felt desirable too (about Mathematical Gems I and II) Paul Scott, in The Australian Mathematics Teacher
... 1960 ) on the ancient custom by Japanese mathematicians of inscribing their discoveries on tablets which were hung in the temples to the glory of ... The following gem is known to have been exhibited in this way in the year 1800 .
Author: Ross Honsberger
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 9781470457181
Category: Mathematics
Page: 250
View: 313
Ross Honsberger was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1929 and attended the University of Toronto. After more than a decade of teaching mathematics in Toronto, he took advantage of a sabbatical leave to continue his studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He joined the faculty in 1964 (Department of Combinatorics and Optimization) and has been there ever since. He is married, the father of three, and grandfather of three. He has published seven bestselling books with the Mathematical Association of America. Here is a selection of reviews of Ross Honsberger's books: The reviewer found this little book a joy to read ... the text is laced with historical notes and lively anecdotes and the proofs are models of lucid, uncluttered reasoning. (about Mathematical Gems I) P. Hagis, Jr., in Mathematical Reviews This book is designed to appeal to high school teachers and undergraduates particularly, but should find a much wider audience. The clarity of exposition and the care taken with all aspects of explanations, diagrams and notation is of a very high standard. (about Mathematical Gems II) K. E. Hirst, in Mathematical Reviews All (i.e., the articles in Mathematical Gems III) are written in the very clear style that characterizes the two previous volumes, and there is bound to be something here that will appeal to anyone, both student and teacher alike. For instructors, Mathematical Gems III is useful as a source of thematic ideas around which to build classroom lectures ... Mathematical Gems III is to be warmly recommended, and we look forward to the appearance of a fourth volume in the series. Joseph B. Dence, Mathematics and Computer Education These delightful little books contain between them 27 short essays on topics from geometry, combinatorics, graph theory, and number theory. The essays are independent, and can be read in any order ... overall these are serious books presenting pretty mathematics with elegant proofs. These books deserve a place in the library of every teacher of mathematics as a valuable resource. Further, as much of the material would not be beyond upper secondary students, inclusion in school libraries may be felt desirable too (about Mathematical Gems I and II) Paul Scott, in The Australian Mathematics Teacher
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
Category: Mathematics
Page: 182
View: 822
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: OSU:32435057241515
Category: Combinatorial analysis
Page: 176
View: 186
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
View: 868
ISBN: OCLC:929889114
View: 360
The DOLCIANI MATHEMATICAL EXPOSITIONS series of the Mathematical Association of America was established through a generous gift to the Association from Mary P. Dolciani , Professor of ... Mathematical Gems II , Ross Honsberger 3.
Author: Ross Honsberger
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0883853329
Category: Mathematics
Page: 245
View: 382
Collection of elementary mathematical problems with solutions. Ideal for students, teachers and general readers.
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
Page: 176
View: 640
In this volume the author collected his treatments of over a hundred problems from the treasure trove of Professor Honsberger.
Author: Liong-shin Hahn
Publisher: 國立臺灣大學出版中心
ISBN: 9789860311686
Category: Mathematics
Page: 310
View: 517
The author's purpose is to share the thrills and excitement of ingenious solutions to intriguing elementary problems that he has had the good fortune to have conceived in the pursuit of his passion over many years. His satisfaction lies in the beauty of these gems, not in the incidental fact that they happen to be his own work. A wonderful solution is a glorious thing, whoever might have thought of it, and the author has worked diligently to make easy reading of the joy and delights of his often hard-won success. In this volume the author collected his treatments of over a hundred problems from the treasure trove of Professor Honsberger. "This is a book for everyone who delights in the richness, beauty, and excitement of the wonderful ideas that abide in the realm of elementary mathematics. I feel it is only fair to caution you that this book can lead to a deeper appreciation and love of mathematics.
Author: Elemér Kiss
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado
ISBN: UOM:39015047844561
Category: Mathematics
Page: 200
View: 411
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
Category: Combinatorial analysis
Page: 176
View: 315
Mathematical Gems III , Ross Honsberger 10. More Mathematical Morsels , Ross Honsberger 11. Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory , Victor Klee and Stan Wagon 12. Problems for Mathematicians , Young and Old ...
Author: Joseph D. E. Konhauser
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0883853256
Category: Education
Page: 235
View: 278
The best problems selected from over 25 years of the Problem of the Week at Macalester College.
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: OCLC:658166011
Page: 250
View: 626
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
Category: Combinatorial analysis
Page: 176
View: 192
ISBN: OCLC:471916260
View: 655
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
Category: Combinatorial analysis
Page: 182
View: 179
ISBN: OCLC:472111572
View: 812
Author: Ross Honsberger
ISBN: 0883853000
Category: Combinatorial analysis
View: 977
Mathematical Gems Ross Honsberger Pdf
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